Our expertise

You can rely on it

Flexible, customised HR planning is not rocket science.
The main focus of our service is on providing qualified personnel as part of temporary employment. Our employees can be deployed flexibly. This allows us to react quickly to increased staff requirements in the event of order peaks, large orders or absences due to illness or holidays. They are available for short and longer periods.

Dynamics for your business

Strategic flexibility

Specialised additional personnel for project and order peaks.
We offer more than just temporary solutions – we offer strategic partnerships. Our “hand-picked” specialists know how to become seamlessly part of your projects and guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction due to their expertise and consistency.

We stand for reliability and discretion, backed by a keen understanding that has developed from our many years of experience in the industry.  Rely on our profound market expertise and extensive network to effectively manage your large orders and workload.

Il vantaggio dell’intermediazione

Riduzione del carico
di lavoro in amministrazione

Più spazio per il vostro core business.
Per noi intermediazione significa dare a voi la possibilità di concentrarvi pienamente e interamente sul vostro core business. Noi ci assumiamo per conto vostro l’intera amministrazione delle risorse umane, dalla contabilità degli stipendi a quella del libro paga, fino al superamento delle carenze di personale. Fate affidamento sul nostro servizio, per gestire con efficienza le alternanze stagionali, i picchi di ordini e le assenze per malattia. Grazie alla nostra lunga esperienza, siamo in grado di offrirvi non solo rafforzamenti flessibili del personale per esigenze a breve termine, ma anche soluzioni a lungo termine per le risorse umane, contribuendo così allo sviluppo continuo della vostra azienda.

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